VillaGok tandoor oven - Base |
Our dorkings always know when it is opportune to be around: As soon as I started digging, Mrs. Cheeky was on the spot! |
The hole quickly reached the desired depth... |
...and a layer of Leca was added. I avoided EPS (which I used for the brick oven base) because of the (probably small) risk that the base could become hot enough to melt EPS. |
A sheet of plastic was placed on top of the Leca as well as a frame for the concrete. After pouring half of the concrete, 8 mm reinforcing mesh was added and the rest of the concrete poured. After smoothing the surface, the slab was covered with a sheet of plastic to allow the concrete to cure without drying out. |
The outer diameter marked up on the finished base slab. I decided on a cylindrical wall because it allows acces from any point around the oven - and hopefully it would give an attractive appearance. |
The downside of the design is a lot of brick cutting. Here are the first two courses loosely laid out. I was satisfied with the look and continued cutting! |