VillaGok brick oven - Spring 2006

May-2006: The joints between the roof tiles and the chimney are filled with an elastic construction sealant. (It was too cold for this job when the roof tiles were laid.)

May-2006: The sides and ends of the roof are closed. A view from the back...

May-2006: ...and a view from the front of the oven.

May-2006: Until recently, I just used a piece of plywood as door but a few weeks ago I made a proper door. I have now placed a thermometer with a 30 cm probe in the door - more about that on the (coming) accessories page!

May-2006: A template is placed on top of the chimney to prepare a brick arch cover. The template rests on four small pieces of wood so that it can easily be removed when the arch is finished.

May-2006: The arch is slowly going up. It is rather tricky work because the back of the chimney is difficult to reach.

May-2006: Finally the last brick is laid and about an hour later the template is removed. The oven is finished! :-)

May-2006: A view up through the chimney before the cover is sooted by the first firing...

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